back in the condo on ocean avenue on saturday evening. things are pretty quiet tonight. after i ate dinner, we watched some CNN on Palin and Biden. interesting.
after Jack went to bed, Anita (the week day caregiver and every other weekend) came in and i showed her the Europe photos. that was fun.
i gave up trying to do anything on the iMac. way too slow. i'm troubled because i tried to forward the information on the matching grant for opposing Prop 8, which closes at midnight Sunday. for some reason it didn't send from home before i left. grrrrr.
went to the farmers market saturday with christine. 2nd to last weekend. picked up honey sticks for monday that the young children starting their jewish studies will always find them sweet.... (used to put a drop of honey on the torah itself, or so i've heard...). then to costco. rescuing christine who is carless as her sister drives all over until tuesday. home to pack. ketzl out in a box.
scampered to one of many wedding celebrations happening in recent months and weeks, before November 4, this time a lesbian couple. how far we've traveled was told by one woman's daughter: "when i was in kindergarten, my mother told me not to tell anyone she was a lesbian. this year, i wrote a note to my son's kindergarten teacher saying he would not be in class because his grandmothers were getting married on friday." pretty impressive change in 30 years. and i gave away the rest of my "No on Prop 8" lawn signs. good move!
michal and maybe ron and the two kids will be coming for a brief visit tomorrow morning. that will be good. i think having them come over will be a good thing. sometimes weekends are slow because not a lot happens. especially now that walking around the block is considered strenuous activity.
i brought down stuff from the farmers market: carrots, fuyu persimmons (the crunchy ones), plums and apples. so delicious. it will be sad not to have that market any more.
taking advantage of free weekend minutes to talk with Trish (recovering slowly), Mimi and Shelley. IM with Barb before the stoopid system crashed.
and now it's time to sleep, without cat wake up call. side benefit of these trips. not to disparage ketzl, but i really do like to sleep uninterrupted when i can.
and on to Sunday....
today was nice. cousin Michal and her older daughter Anina came for a short visit. Luli had a sniffly nose and stayed home. at the end, we all walked down to the car and then halfway around the block. a good outing. after lunch my father and i went down to the pool area and i read two interesting articles from New Republic. one on how the myth of "small town America" hasn't been true for many years. another on Palin. i brought home the older issue to share with friends. there was a great picture, a take-off on northwest indian totem art, but with Palin hair and glasses. very striking. lots of information in both issues on how she rose up (as it were) through local Alaska politics, and who she dumped along the way, and how she really is limited in vision and understanding. because the tv is in my father's bedroom, i didn't get to see Palin on SNL, but there was a clip on a CNN show during the day.
we got to talk to my aunt Shoshana in Florida, the wife of my last remaining uncle on my father's side. every one is old and feeble in one way or another.
there was a large race this morning on Ocean Avenue. the west lane is coned off and people run for i'm not sure how far. people running with strollers, some with the tell-tale iPod white strings. after the race, a (homeless) man stretched out in a triangle of grass, with his large shopping basket of possessions. dogs were happily out on walks, some barking. a small flock of pigeons swarmed between trees and took turns alighting on the vertical bars of the street lights. there was a bit of pollution in the air, which meant that sunset had a nice golden orangey-pink hue. not so good for breathing but nice to see.
home late...the long term parking is a shlep to get to and then home and of course Ketzl wanted to go out.
now it's monday morning and i need to scamper to leave the house.