Wednesday, May 6, 2009

stuff and things

ketzl is such a boy. he likes taking a pish out of doors. we walked tonight and it had gotten cooler.

i'm laffing at the people here who think what we experienced today was humidity. well, it is more than we are used to here, but seriously, folks. try wisconsin in july. or ohio or new york. lots of places have real humidity. and the bugs that go with it.

starting to think about the logistics of flying three weekends in a row. it is beginning to get to me, of course with the emotional overlay of seeing Linda's family and going to the graveside for the unveiling of her headstone. yet another concrete evidence that she has been gone a year. thunk.

and there is so much to do in the way of packing and organizing and getting ready, 3 times. ok. off to start for this weekend. and set up laundry. another never-ending cycle.