departure is only 4 days away.
last night i had a major panic attack and said to myself "what were you thinking??" when i had planned to arrive in Switzerland and just find something when we got there. i also said "where is Linda, now that i need her??" of course Linda was the one who made all the travel arrangements. so i went online, sent 3 emails, got 2 replies and shazam! we have accommodations in both Basel and Luzern. i am sooooooooo relieved. credit cards called to let them know i'll be in europe. don't want any surprises with ATM or charges. a few other financial things to get done now as well. tonight i also worked on the itinerary: flight arrangements, times, confirmation and ticket locator numbers, etc. details on where we will be staying in Switzerland. added the international mobile phone numbers. i learned from the master!
have you ever compared the fat grams on low fat and full fat yogurt? i did. and now i eat full fat organic plain trader joe's. wow. how creamy and delicious. thanks to christine for pushing me over the edge to serious yogurt. with was a fabulously wonderful container of them. what a dinner.
ketzl is beside me on the couch after chomping down his tomato (from the backyard) and asparagus. doing a good cleaning.
right now nightline on abc is dealing with Gov. Sarah Palin. John McCain looks really old.
a security system goes in tomorrow. with thanks to daniel for coming over while i head to the staff meeting. so that means i still have a bit to get done tonight before the house is filled with workers.