Tina Fey is so awesome as Sarah Palin. Unbelievable. She nails it. Maverick.
"Marriage is a sacred institution between two unwilling teenagers." Queen Latifah as Gwen Ifill was pretty good too.
I went out to check on the cat and he was screeching around the corner of the grasses, chasing something. Not a bird at this hour.
One item that I didn't mention from the Halloween party: a dachshund in a crocodile costume.
So tonight was the first of 6 sessions of the partner loss support group at Hospice of the Valley. It went pretty well. Some new people. Others have been there for a while. The facilitator does it pro bono. She has a private practice up the peninsula.
Two men, both lost wives to oral cancer. It is a good place where we can all be safe and be "not okay." One of the men mentioned the difficulty of flying somewhere and not having anyone to call to say "I've landed safely." Seems like many have problems with piles of papers and lists of things to be done. That is reassuring. And we also talked about the upcoming holidays. The facilitator is going to collect recipes, identifying them with the contributor and the lost spouse...I think I'll add Linda's brisket recipe, and maybe matzo meal pancakes. and for the season, cranberry orange walnut sauce...not really sauce. More of a relish. One of the pages had suggestions of things to do at the holidays: like take a time at a holiday meal to share a story. That might be a nice thing to do in our family.
Tomorrow is an early day for me. I volunteered to be the staff person tomorrow morning at 6 AM when the poll workers arrive at the synagogue. But I'll get to come home earlier. It's going to be a long day.