well, for the most part. Obama won. new era for our country and the world. with the exception of the (not insignificant) win of Prop 8, things went pretty well.
Linda would have been upset at how many reporters misused the word "enormity," to describe Obama's victory. enormity has large negative connotation. to refer to large size, it's enormous. or, to quote adam, ginormous. but i think she would have been ecstatic alongside the rest of us at the major changes we are about to see. so many young people have not experienced a Democratic president. wonderful also that young people are energized about participating in the political system. they are no longer turned off by "politics as usual" which we all had experienced over the last several administrations. elizabeth dole got whomped...one of the many gains in the house and senate...there is real cause for optimism, despite the gloomy financial situation. it was the triumph of hope over fear. too bad McCain's last speech was by far his best. sorry about that.
from a friend of Linda's from whiteplains high school, whose daughter is in the army:
Other than driving down highway 90 in Arizona of all places when the voice on the radio announced that John McCain would be giving his concession speech in a few moments, yesterday evening was one in which I can’t find words to explain. I put my uniform on this morning with a great deal more pride and hope for the future! You will most likely witness a great deal of coverage from military members who voted for Senator McCain on the news for the next few days, but as a military member who supported President-elect Barak Obama, I wanted to thank you for your vote!
A new day is upon us and we finally have a President and Commander in Chief we can believe in!
there are marches and vigils all over California demonstrating against the passage of Proposition 8. more than 18,000 couples married over the last 4 months. 3 lawsuits have already been filed. one of the main issues is equal protection. my view is, if you don't like same sex marriage, then don't marry someone of the same gender.
President-Elect Obama. has a nice ring. what a nice smile he has.
i wish i weren't so tired. it was a very long day yesterday.
hey 51% waxing gibbous moon...it was lovely tonight.
it is getting cold...well, cold for California. we whimper when it gets below 40. this weekend REALLY will be getting the electric bed heater hooked up and the heater ready. it is 63 inside now and my nose is cold.