Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Chanukah night 4

today was a short day at work and then up to my co-worker's mom's house for dinner and Chanukah. a nice traditional setting...lots of kids, families all bring their chanukiyot and light together. lots of yummy food. i left before the onslaught of gift opening commenced. it was a unique experience for me.

yesterday was chanukah at the home of neighbors, members of the synagogue. excellent latkes, turkey, matzo ball soup (i got a to-go container which was yummy lunch), snacks, etc. gift last night was homemade olive oil with lemon blush. for dunking and salads only. we are warned. tonight's gifts from Marcy: a box of cherry cordial candies (we had been talking about them in the office) and several cards of the kind of clip you can poke into the walls of an office cubicle and hang things. i had been borrowing some and now can return them. i gave her a bag of yummy fresh brussels sprouts, a bar of goat milk and honey soap, and a handknit poncho in brown and some sparkly yarns. non-traditional gifts. it's what makes the holiday fun.

the weekend is shaping up. tomorrow, j will come help do some work around the house. then movie and chinese dinner. even tho friday is technically a day off, i will be getting ready for the chanukah party after services. keeping perhaps a bit too busy? important and useful. don't forget the 30 dozen jelly filled donut holes, to be picked up at noon.

i took ketzl out when i got home. it was cold and windy. there is a cat out there who looks like a longhaired cousin of his. same grey color, same general markings. but shaggy. i avoid having a direct confrontation. tonight he came running out of the house when erev xmas visitors were leaving. one couple got into a monster truck with the most beautiful flames. it was really lifted, lots of lights and flames. wow. i'm so jealous. every year i think about getting it done. perhaps for my birthday. but get dissuaded. maybe 2009 will be "the year" ...