Thursday, December 11, 2008

off to LA again

and this time I WILL GET TO THE OCEAN! elinor has not yet returned to enough health to be able to travel. and i already had my tickets.

i really miss red grapefruit. not supposed to have them while on my statin cholesterol drug. i think it only interferes. so i'm gonna have to get a grapefruit. juicy and yummy i hope.

tonight is garbage night and it is cold (yes i know, by california standards) out. fortunately there is not much to take out (as usual). i need to stop buying at the farmers markets. i don't eat enough to warrant keeping veggies in the house.

it was not too cold when i first got home so i took ketzl for a nice long walk. he really likes it out there.

tonight was the first smell of potato latkes being cooked in the temple kitchen for the sisterhood meeting. i could swear the scent lingered on my clothes and i smelled them when i got into my car. wow. sunday when i get home there is an early latke party at Fran's. first night of chanukah is Dec 21.

omg i'm watching private practice which is set in southern california. and there was just a scene with two doctors sitting on a bench on the promenade which is the park across the street (somewhere) from my father's condo on Ocean Avenue!! wow. like the last few seconds in "Knocked Up," which Linda saw immediately. then it was actually his building too.

ok off to finish packing and garbage and then to bed. i am trusting that the computer in LA won't let me post again. more on Sunday night.