Sunday, December 7, 2008

strange and interesting things...

this morning i received the STRANGEST (not just strange) phone call. on the home phone, someone asking for Linda Klein. because she was listed as a contact for a high-rise building on Tisch. it was the fire department. i said she was a contact many years ago for security but not now. i tried *69 to see if i could find out who was calling, and it went to the fast busy, implying it's a blocked number. that made sense if it really was the fire department. then i called the alarm company that would have been the only connection i could figure, but they don't have any accounts on Tisch. really really really weird.

off to the farmers market. i think ketzl has enjoyed being out all morning as the only thing we did yesterday was the 11 PM walk. got up ridiculously early and picked Daniel up (then Noah's/Peet's) and to the airport to go to Santa Monica for my father's/his grandfather's 91st birthday. both elinor and jeremy are sick as dogs so no travel for them. the party was fun: mostly people in the building (who decided why wait for a birthday to get together, so they will be doing teas more often, which is nice), Bea Yoga, cousin Michal and her younger daughter Lula. it was nice and low key. yummy food. after people left, there was such an incredible sunset. we took a lot of pictures, even going out onto the deck. spectacular colors and clouds, reflecting off the water. really wonderful views. Anita baked 2 cinnamon breads from my mother's recipe. turned out great! there was still a lot of food left over. but the table looked nice and we brought down some new birthday decorations which was fun (including the banner on the front door of the apartment). it was very different from last year. there has been a very steep decline in verbal abilities. sad, disconcerting, awful. depends on what kinds of adjectives you want to throw at it.

so last weekend i bought the toaster oven and washing machine (which is in and working well). yesterday i ordered the recliner with lift assist. to be delivered thursday. all in all making things comfortable and functional. that's the goal.

tonight i'm going to a holiday party.
hope to get a lot done around here (papers, change the sheets, vacuum, etc.) before i leave. more on the strange phone call as information is obtained.