Sunday, March 15, 2009

despite dire predictions...

there seem to be a LOT of apricots setting now. maybe half an inch long. clusters of them. apricots alternate heavy and lighter fruiting years. and 2007 was heavy, so given the best information, last year should have been light. it wasn't. so the prediction was in that this year would be light, and i was worried about the wind and the rain. but timing seems to have been ok. i know, i know, some of them may fall off before they mature. but as of this morning, i am cautiously optimistic.

today seems to be the day of Deborah doing transportation. i have a date with a key volunteer from the synagogue, who arranged tickets to see Carol Channing this afternoon. in the evening i will be taking another friend to a concert of lovely music by Symphony Silicon Valley with chorales (his wife is singing) and his new car is not quite ready yet. so i have a lot to get done before i take off. like folding towels. and cleaning the car.

i am pondering. i have written two poems recently. one is still a bit too new to post here but i'm thinking about it. part of the transition.

got a note yesterday from the grief group facilitator, who commented that she hadn't yet shared the bus analogy with us. we are on a bus. everyone dear to us is on the bus, including those who pre-decease us. but they stay on the bus. particularly with spouses, at first they sit next to us. later they might move to the row ahead. toward the back. across the aisle. but they never leave our bus. sometimes they come back to sit next to us. always there somewhere in the realm. that's a good way of looking at things. not in view but still there. close.