Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Passover really is my favorite Jewish holiday

and it's not just the food. it's the symbolism. how it celebrates release from bondage. and each year as Passover, we have an opportunity to examine our lives and find out what is keeping us in a place of constriction. in fact Mitzrayim, the Hebrew word for Egypt, means narrowness. so on this holiday (april 8-9 this year) i will acknowledge that this first year of mourning was my constriction. and i am almost ready to be liberated from this bondage. i will also mark this occasion with my first visit to the mikvah, the ritual bath that is used to mark special occasions. i'm doing some reading about the tradition and how i might personalize the experience. interestingly, i am on the committee for the mikvah at the JCC in Los Gatos, and we are planning a fun opening celebration in June.

monday night group continues to be good. just found out (via facebook of course) that one of the new members shares my birthday. that makes 4 of us in my group of 100* friends. amazing. Linda's yahrzeit will be read on friday april 10 which is Good Friday. a lot of the group and other friends are Catholic and so will be otherwise occupied. but they will be with us in spirit.

today i challenge myself to deal with my desk at work. maybe not completely but to make a serious difference. i need to get back to using the mug with the built-in To Do list. that really helped, silly as that might sound.

i think ketzl deserves a morning walk. don't you?