with a list come tasks
tasks turn into appointments
hopefully giving enough time to make any necessary course corrections or adjustments in time to get everything done by june 18.
appointments set and in process: hair, car to dealership for 75,000 checkup, dr for strange dermatological issues on my arms, DMV on thursday to transfer title, and so on and so on and so on. feeling pretty darn accomplishful.
starting to lay out clothing for the trip, clearing laundry baskets, etc etc.
i spoke with Liz who will be picking me up at the end of my study session in wisconsin and keeping me overnite and taking me to the airport on june 30.
it has been a somewhat difficult weekend.
today marks 8 weeks. see, i'm still on weeks, and it's almost 2 months -- by Friday. staggering. overwhelming at times. looking in the hall closet at the collection of Linda's jackets really got me this afternoon. especially the leather jackets. handling the black and grey corduroy shirt on the chair in the bedroom. that too.
today i re-read the words that david and audrey read at the funeral. that too brought on tears. looking at the empty space on the towel rack. also difficult. thinking about apricots ripening and no Linda to help eat them. today i ate my first plum of the season from the japantown farmers market. there is a hebrew blessing one says the first time each year...it's a nice recognition, a way to mark time and be thankful.
yesterday i got skype to work. david and i have spoken several times, tho computer to computer is not so reliable. then today mimi and i were able to make it work part of the time. it's new for me and a bit frustrating but overall a great thing...free calls with video, computer to computer. i got it work work on my own!! download and install and figuring out how to add people. very cool. very proud.
i'm tired. i really wish ketzl would let me sleep in on the weekend. tomorrow is an early morning: blintz breakfast and study session starting at 8 AM, so just in case tomorrow would be the morning ketzl would let me sleep, i will set an alarm. don't want to miss the blintzes (dairy dishes to celebrate Shavuot and the receiving of Torah on Mt. Sinai; the study session will be the book of Ruth).
and i did get my car washed...by basketball players from milpitas high school after the hair trim yesterday. i much prefer supporting kids than paying the local commercial carwash. that was a nice turn of events. hopefully the dealer will wash Linda's car tomorrow along with the rest of the stuff.